Modeling the Role of Parent-Child Conflict in Predicting Social Anxiety with the Mediation of Anxiety Sensitivity
Journal of Family Relations Studies
مقاله 1 ، دوره 4، شماره 14 ، مهر 2024، صفحه 4-13 اصل مقاله (866.99 K )
نوع مقاله: Original Article
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.22098/jfrs.2024.14903.1184
Mohamad Hatami Nejad 1 ؛ Niloofar Mikaeili* 2 ؛ Elmira Sadeghi Niri 3
1 Master's in general psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University
2 Full Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
3 MA student, Department of English to Persian translation Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Objective: The present study aimed to predict social anxiety based on parent-child conflict and the mediating role of anxiety sensitivity.Methods: The research methodology employed was structural equation modeling with the primary objective being to investigate anxiety sensitivity, social anxiety, and parent-child conflict among second-year high school students in Khorram Abad city during the academic year 2023-2024. A sample of 350 students was randomly selected using cluster sampling. The instruments utilized included the anxiety sensitivity questionnaire Floyd et al, social anxiety assessment Connor et al, and parent-child conflict measurement Fine et al Data analysis was conducted using SPSS26 and AMOS24 software.Results: The results indicated that parent-child conflict had a direct, positive, and significant impact on students' social anxiety (β₌0.44; p<0.01). Furthermore, parent-child conflict directly influenced students' anxiety sensitivity (β₌0.68; p<0.01). Additionally, anxiety sensitivity had a direct and significant correlation with students' social anxiety (β₌0.41; p<0.01). Overall, the findings suggest that the research model fits well.Conclusion: The findings of the study show that conflicts between parents and children, along with sensitivity to anxiety, are important factors that can predict the level of social anxiety in students.
Social Anxiety ؛ Parent-Child Conflict ؛ Anxiety Sensitivity ؛ Students
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