Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting succession management in human resources in Iranian football. Method: The present research is quantitative in terms of applied purpose. The statistical population included coaches working in Iranian football leagues, managers of football clubs, and teachers of clubs and universities. 121 instructors participating in two training courses of the Football Federation were selected as a statistical sample, which was an available non-probabilistic sampling. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Also, the first and second-order confirmatory factor analysis method by AMOS software was used to analyze data. Results: Research findings showed that organizational, individual, and process factors are among the factors affecting succession in various organizations related to football in the country. Organizational factors, respectively: organizational commitment, strategy, motivation, structure, technology, in individual factor; Training, interaction and collaboration, and adaptability and finally in process factor, time management, planning, and organizational transparency had the most impact, respectively. Conclusion: As a result, it can be said that if football-related organizations consider human resource succession management and formulate and implement proper succession management planning with a focus on organization, it can play an effective role in national and international success. |
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