Predicting the Model of Psychological Capital based on Mindfulness with the Intermediary Anxiety in Obese women Candidates for Bariatric Surgery
Journal of Family Relations Studies
مقاله 3 ، دوره 3، شماره 8 ، فروردین 2023، صفحه 24-31 اصل مقاله (772.27 K )
نوع مقاله: Original Article
شناسه دیجیتال (DOI): 10.22098/jhrs.2022.11746.1079
Maryam Javaheri Mohammadi 1 ؛ Seyyed Ali Hosseini AlMadani 2 ؛ Mehrangiz Shoaa Kazemi* 3 ؛ Mohammad Bagher Hobbi 4
1 PHD Student in Counselling, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 Associate profesor,Department of women and family studies,faculty of social sciences and economics, Alzahra university,Tehran, Iran
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Imam Hosein University, Tehran, Iran
Objective: The present study conducted to investigate the role of anxiety mediation in the relationship between psychological capital and mindfulness in obese candidates for bariatric surgery.Methods: The study method was a descriptive correlational research. The statistical population of the research included all women candidates referred to Rasoul Akram Hospital in Tehran in the year 1400 (March 21, 2021 – March 20, 2022) for minimal invasive bariatric surgery. Among them, a number of 250 women were selected as samples through convenience non-random sampling. The research tools were Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans et al. 2007), Freiburg’s Mindfulness Inventory - short form (Wallach et al. 2006) and Beck Anxiety Questionnaire (Beck et al. 1993). Structural equation modeling was used for analyzing the data. The gathered data were analyzed using two statistical analysis software SPSS Version 26 and LISREL Version 8.8.Results: The results showed that the fit indices are in acceptable level and the suggested model has optimum fit index.Conclusion: Considering the important role of mindfulness and anxiety in predicting the psychological capital, trainings and interventions aiming increase in mindfulness and decrease in anxiety should be included in preoperative plans dedicated for bariatric surgery candidate.
Psychological capital ؛ mindfulness ؛ anxiety ؛ bariatric surgery
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