Technology and management information systems are a general strategy for dealing with the complexity of too much information and fragmented communications. The aim of this research is to investigate the role of management information systems (MIS) technology on the performance of sports organizations. The quantitative method used the questionnaire-survey. The MIS variables were information system quality (ISQ), information system strategy (ISS), and organizational size. Fifty participants were recruited from the Sports and Youth General Administration in Tabriz, Iran. Data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS structural equation model. The proposed model was supported by empirical data. More specifically, the results also showed positive and significant effects of ISQ, ISS, and organizational size on organizational performance; which implies that the higher the management information systems, the higher the organizations performance. Therefore, if management information systems are implemented properly, it will lead to user satisfaction; the system will also reduce administrative errors and assist in organizational decision-making. |
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